Årets Reumert archieve

The solution

A web app inside aaretsreumert.dk for browsing and searching the award archive in a nice way. My first web app using JQuery. Try it.

The responsibility

Slicing of graphics, building HTML and CMS module implementation. Partly negotiation with the client about demands due to staff shortage.

The challenges


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Career portfolio

The solution

The web app you’re currently using to browse through my projects. Made with my own very basic Javascript MVC framework. Simply a pleasure to make.

The responsibility

Everything was made by me except for the few JQuery plugins I used.

The challenges

Understanding the limits(fully) of object oriented programming…

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The solution

A site for Danes who has decided to live outside Denmark but still wants to be connected with the home land. Has a FB-like community and a membership payment solution. Made in Webupdate CMS by Datagraf A/S. See it.

The responsibility

Slicing of graphics,  building HTML and…

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Danisco’s branding-katalog

The solution

A web app and website for administration and showing of corporate branding images like logos etc. Basically an image database. Made with Webupdate CMS by Datagraf A/S.

The responsibility

Slicing of graphics, building HTML and CMS module implementation.

The challenges

Understanding a very loosely formulated set of system requirements.

Datagraf Webserver Overview

The solution

A web app used to search for website- and server specific information on my company’s location. One of my first web app’s.

The responsibility

If I had children at my company this would be one of them and a good one.

The challenges

Making and maintaining something used everyday…

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The solution

A website for an organization for owners, landlords and managers of real estate in Denmark. Includes a webshop and a member login. Made with Webupdate CMS by Datagraf A/S. See it.

The responsibility

Slicing of graphics, building HTML and CMS module implementation.

The challenges

Making a software(exe) for the client…

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FV Extender


A browser extension that helps players accepting/collecting their gifts in FarmVille and other Facebook games. All by one click. It currently has about 15.000 users. Read more about it.

The responsibility

Everything was made by me.

The challenges

How to make an extension for Google Chrome. How to…

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