Life continues

Hey everybody,

FVE and all my other software projects have been on standby in the last three months.

As some of you may know my eyes haven’t exactly been without problems. Therefore I’ve been on an vision training course for a couple of months. This took a lot of my time and energy during the day. So during that time I haven’t really been able to focus on my projects in front of the computer. I hoped the result would be magic, but it hasn’t really been. I’m way more aware of how my eyes works and how to control them, but I’m still troubling with tired eyes. So working in front of the computer is not without problems, and it’s really hard to write an honest job application when I know everything is not fine and dandy in this area. Right now I can work in 8 hours with intense screen viewing. Just not 8 hours straight which I think a future employer would appreciate.

Actually I was prepared for this and therefore I’ve also been on a 6 weeks training course in “Lean management” which I finished with an A. The first A in my career 🙂 I’m hoping this course can raise my changes when it comes to getting a job in another industry.

Now I’m done with these activities and I’m back to writing job applications and working with my software project. So everything is online again 🙂 It will take much time to get back in to speed, but I haven’t lost any of the positive energy which I’ve always had around FVE.

FVE has been working like it supposed to and I’m now continuing the development plan for this.

Finally enough of you have shown your interest when it comes to FVE Auto. Therefore it is now actually going to be released when it is done. Thank you for showing your interest.

Over and out 🙂

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