Don’t miss this one

You shouldn’t miss one of the next major releases: FV Extender Auto(FVE Auto). Therefore I will now in detail try to answer whatever questions you have on this. I will re-post this at regular basis and add more q&a’s if you have anymore.

What is “FVE Auto”?

FVE Auto is a Google Chrome extension just like FVE Classic. But it’s separate from FVE Classic.

How is it different than FVE Classic?

FVE Auto and FVE Classic shares 99% of the same look & feel.

FVE Auto just have a tiny but important feature that makes it special.

What is this special thing FVE Auto can do?

You can enable FVE Auto to automatically process your requests every time the number reaches 50.

Why it this special thing so special?

Because usually if you get more than 50 requests sent to you, the surplus will just dissapear even if these requests where meant for you. This means some of your neighbors don’t get your help and the other way around.

I still don’t understand. How about an example?

Okay. Let’s say you go to bed. Next one of your best neighbors Karen wakes up because she lives in another timezone. She sends you a help request in FarmVille. While you sleep 65 FV neighbors then also send gift and help requests to you. The next morning you grab your requests, but you are only able to grab the latest 50. So you didn’t get to help Karen. Isn’t that sad. If you had FVE Auto and enabled it’s special feature it wouldn’t have to be this way.

But FVE and Facebook shows that I have way more requests than 50. So I can get more than 50 request. Right?

Actually: No. No matter how you try to get your request, you can only get the latest 50. Inside FarmVille it only shows 50 and on FB(or through FVE) only the first 50 are actually accepted. The rest are invalid(but processed anyway). So the key is to never let the number go above 50. And that’s what FVE Auto is all about.

So when is FVE Auto released?

I will begin the release process when enough of you have shown your interest in FVE Auto. So there really is no release date.

How do I show my interest?

The release process happens in two major steps. The first major step is about showing your interest. The second major step involves converting your shown interest into a charity donation. Right now you shouldn’t donate anything. For now just do the first major step with consists of these 5 minor steps:

  1. Create a new e-mail message.
  2. As subject to the message write “I’m interested
  3. As text in message write “I’m prepared to donate (x$) to an emergency fund of my own choice to show that I’m interested in FV Extender Auto“. Instead of (x$) write the amount you are prepared to donate. You can write the amount in any currency you wish, but for me it would be easier if it was in american dollars. I suggest you write a number between 5$ and 10$ as a minimum.
  4. Send the e-mail message to me at the e-mail address:
  5. Finally make sure that you are also signed up for the FVE newsletter. This way you will know immediately if change of plans happens.

Did I hear you say “charity donation”?

Yes you did. This release is just as much a charity event. A lot of suffering people around the world will benefit from this IF enough of you shows your interest and in the end show that you really meant it.

When have enough people shown interest?

That’s a secret number. But in the end I hope more than I expect will grab this opportunity.

What happens if not enough people shows their interest in FVE Auto?

Then it will simply not be released.

What do you(the developer) get from it?

  • I’ve had my fun with arranging my first charity event.
  • With great interest follows a great usage, and I always love when people use what I make.
  • All my work with this continues to make me more interesting when it comes to a future employer.

I have more questions about this

Just ask. I can always be contacted on this address: or this Facebook account: I answer all messages and I usually do it within 24 hours and probably within a couple of minutes 🙂

So how do I donate?

You shouldn’t donate anything yet. Wait for me to guide you to that part of the process. Right now just:

Show your interest 🙂

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