Version 4.0.5

Bugs fixed

  • Two tabs opens just after you click “Process requests”. These were blank and looked  like/was error pages. These tabs opens intentionally and are working tabs for FV Extender and should not be closed.
    Fix: The process is now aborted if you accidentally closes them all. Closing one of them just slows it all down. They also now have title and content which explains their use.
  • [FarmVille] Fixed a grouping error in FarmVille. Gifts with text like “Thank you for being a great friend…Here is a gift I received and want to share with you” were not accepted as gifts but as help requests. They are now grouped as gifts correctly. The name of the group is the short name/id and not very pretty but it’s the best I can do since I at the moment can’t get the pretty name of this type of gifts. I have an idea how to solve it but it will have to wait until later.

How to update

Simply click here

There is a change this link does not work. If that is the case you should try the regular update procedure as described here


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