FV Extender 4.0 is now in beta

What has changed?

So much has changed that I cannot list everything but here are some of the most important changes:

  • Your list of requests has moved to a different level in the new FVE 4.0 user interface.
  • The accept all button is gone. Instead there is a “Process requests” which work a bit differently.
  • The support for fully supporting more games is added. FarmVille and FrontierVille is the only ones fully supported out of the box.
  • ALL games are primitively supported without the returning of gifts and with some caveats.
  • It is potentially faster than FVE 3.0.
  • It does not not(should not) crash/stop in the middle of it all.
  • There is now support for grouping of items/gifts so a gift type only exists once in the list. FV and FTV support this out of the box.

To celebrate the new version many other things than the extension itself have changed too. Read more about these further down the page:

What changes are still to come?

Many things are still underway and on the new support website(read about it further down) you can study these ideas and add your own input to them plus vote for them.

Why all this change?

I like change and the journey to actually get there. Plus I thought I could support you even better and at the same time help my self a bit.

Important: This is a Beta!

I somehow tried to make this perfect but I probably didn’t succeed without a few hiccups. Follow the beta instructions if you want to help me as much as possible to help you get through the beta face.

Stop talking 🙂 Where do I download this?

You can always download the current version here:

The future

My day will change a bit in the next months. As some of you may know I have not had a job in 5 months. So besides serving you I’m going on a hunt for a job. My brain is also near roasted with the last weeks of work. So some time away from this will also do good. But do not misunderstand me. It has been thrilling, fun and challenging in so many ways to have your support. It means the world to be and has given me energy I did not think I had. So I won’t let you down in the future.

Enjoy this new release!




Information about updates has moved

First there is this page you look at now. It is a blog dedicated to informing about FVE(FV Extender) updates. These will not appear in the old forum anymore.

The old forum is still open but only to be closed when the new version of FVE proves to be stable enough.

But actually you will not be using this blog much directly because it is a built-in part of FVE 4.0 which means blog posts(information about updates) also appear in FVE when they arrive and you also have shortcuts to contact information, a user guide, the support web site and a donation page.

Support has moved

From now on the old forum is also not the place to go when you have a bug report, feature request or just a question about something you are unsure of. Instead I have created a new support website located at: http://getsatisfaction.com/fv-extender/

This website concerns: Known issues,  Bug reports, Feature requests, Frequently asked questions and any other question/idea/problem you might have related to FVE.

The support website basically lets you ask and next it shows you related pages or finally lets you go on with posting what you have in mind. I will personally answer everything you throw at me and probably within an hour or at least within 24 hours.

So forget about the old forum and just ask at:

Of course you are also welcome to send me an e-mail at: info.a.creative@gmail.com

The website has moved

http://a-creative.github.com/FV-extender/ is still up but only to support FV 3.0 until FV 4.0 is not beta any longer.

The new website is hosted here with the blog as frontpage: http://a-creative.dk

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